The Committee for Protecting the Rights Prisoners (CPRP) held the 1st consultation meeting of the series of consultation meetings at Centre for Society and Religion on September 7, 2023

The Committee for Protecting the Rights Prisoners (CPRP) held the 1st consultation meeting of the series of consultation meetings at Centre for Society and Religion on September 7, 2023

The meeting was attended by officials of the Human Rights Commission, former officials of the Department of Prison, victims and their relatives, lawyers, social activists and journalists. Key matters discussed at length in the meeting were;
(1). Voting rights of prison inmates,
(2). Their sanitary facilities (e.g. food and drink, hygiene, judicial process and contact with relatives),
(3). Torture,
(4). Rehabilitation
(5). Reviewing procedure and related problems.
Arrangements have been made to hold the 2nd consultation meeting with the police officers, policy makers, officials of the prison department officers, representatives of the independent commission and members of civil organizations.